Infused from the Middle Eastern spirit, our liquid version of the Olive & Laurel soap line contains all the same benefits of the authentic Aleppo soap, made from Virgin Olive Oil & Pure Laurel Oil, offered to you with the exceptional standard of säpon d’orient.

The benefits for the skin: Highly hydrating and moisturizing. Anti-microbial properties. Gentle skin cleanser. Forms a protective barrier – rich in polyphenols. Soothes skin. Anti-aging, rich in antioxidants & omegas. Packed with vitamins A, D, E, F & K.

It is suitable for all skin types, especially for sensitive skin.
It is vegan and eco-friendly.
0% free from dye, chemical additives, artificial coloring

Olive & Laurel
Cedar of Lebanon
Orange Blossom
Rosa Damascena
Gift Collection